No sad in his life A0LLlJaqueoadzuopaduuouuomomueon crucial figure in the transition between the Classical and Romanticeras in Western art music.he remains one of the most famous and influential of all composers.He had the capacity to play the harpsichord when hewas fouryearsold,went onstageat the ageof eight,and then,acquired a reputation as a music child prodigy.At the age of10,he learned from Prussiawhowas the most famous musiceducatorinthis time.Atthe ageof 12’he”hadtoserve tojthecourtas’anassistantHis”best-knownjcompositions includesymphonies,pianoconcertos,and piano sonatas and so on.We know that his greatgenius butwe don'tknow howmuch he paid forthis great.Once he said Music should strike fire from the heartof man,Heissucha love of music,evenwhen he suffered deaf,he insisted on music creation. Bwas born in a poor family, his fatherwho was his first teacher andwas very harsh and that the child Beethoven,"made tostand at the keyboard,was often in tears,"he had many teacherin his young age.But his unfortunate is happened when hewas 30years old whichages been playedjoke byfate,his hearingbecame worse,whichwas the firsttime forhimtowritesymphony,he got muchaffect by theAge of Enlightenment,and paid more attention to the performance of inneremotions.Although he sufferedalot,heshowed his positive sideof lifetoothers,the most impress meis Ode toJoy.which hewrote in this time.He focused on the joy of music instead of painful.He devoted his whole life to creategreat music.Once hesaid hewilltakefate bythe throat:itwillnot bend him completely to its will.He is haughty man insurface,hadaside we never know.Hewas unmarried and no friends in his life,confessed anything alone.The essential organ of musician,he lost,but he accomplished the work more perfect.He had becomea public figure,as no composer had done before.Unlikecomposers of the preceding generation, he had never beena purveyorof music to the nobility he had lived into the age,indeed helped createit,ofwhichtheartistas heroand the property of mankind atlarge.Unluckily he died in 1827 for headache and high fever.with his unfinished works.Roman Rowland said in his Biographyof The Celebrity B is the great man in his heart,for who had changed his pain to joy. Tosumup,Beethoven's great,not only is as a musician.He has for life's great anguish and refined beauty ofsoul:heis the hero of the heart.The performance of his music is the heart of this hero.During his life,it is no more space forsad,nothing but music.Ifhecando this,whywe can't?Findaworth,and nosad,then go all out,youcan be a person as him. |